Center Grace Church Podcast

Center Grace Church seeks to Make, Mobilize, and Multiply disciples of Jesus. Subscribe to this podcast to hear our sermons, devotionals, and other broadcasts.

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God Is - 5/7/2023 sermon

Monday May 08, 2023

Monday May 08, 2023

Text: Genesis 1:1-5
Preacher: Nathaniel Lee

Friday May 05, 2023

Today Pastor Nathaniel gives a five step argument for infant baptism and five things we should all agree on about baptism, even if we disagree on whether we should administer it to infants.Here are the five steps to the argument:1. The church of the Old Testament and the church of the New Testament are, in essence, the same church2. God includes the children of believers as members of this church3. In the Old Testament era, children of believers, because they were church members, were given the sign of circumcision4. In the New Testament era, God has taken the sign of circumcision and changed it to baptism5. Therefore, in the New Testament era, children of believers, because they are church members, are to be given the sign of baptism.Here are the five things we should all agree on:1. Everyone is only baptized once. "Re-baptism" is an oxymoron since there is only "one baptism". Do not get re-baptized and discourage others (including churches) from doing so. 2. Churches should not require people who were baptized in the Triune name to be re-baptized ads adults in order to be members and take the Lord's Supper.3. Baptism is primarily God's sign to you, and your reception of it--not your proclamation of faith4. Baptism is effectual--it is the means by which God gives his salvific grace, even if it is not tied to the moment of administration, and one can still be saved without it.5. Children of believers are a part of the covenant community, so teach them the faith as disciples (do not see them as pagans to be evangelized).Other resources:,you%20and%20for%20your%20children 

Monday May 01, 2023

Text: Matthew 7:24-29Preacher: Derek Baker

Thursday Apr 27, 2023

Pastors Derek and Nathaniel discuss the following questions: what is the point of prayer if God has already determined everything? Why does he answer some prayers and not others? Why did God put the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in Eden? Why create Satan? And how does A.I. affect pastoral ministry?

Tuesday Apr 25, 2023

Text: Matthew 7:13-23
Preacher: Derek Baker

Wednesday Apr 19, 2023

Today Pastor Nathaniel discusses two questions about the sermon on Matthew 7:1-12. Nathaniel first responds to the question about what to do when someone is resistant to our attempts to remove the speck from their eye. The second question deals with whether or not we would really pray God's plan to happen if we knew everything he knew.

Monday Apr 17, 2023

Text: Matthew 7:1-12
Preacher: Nathaniel Lee

Monday Apr 10, 2023

Test: Matthew 27:57-28:20Preacher: Derek Baker

Good Friday Reflection

Monday Apr 10, 2023

Monday Apr 10, 2023

Preacher: Derek Baker

Thursday Apr 06, 2023

Today Pastors Derek and Nathaniel discuss three questions: 1. how the gospel writers organized events (e.g., when did Jesus judge the temple?), 2. how to understand starvation in light of Jesus' promise to provide for us, and 3. how Scripture gives us a robust sexual ethic, especially around the topic of consent.

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